Sleeper bus Bali to Yogyakarta (updated 2023)

Sleeper bus from Bali

Going around through Indonesia over long distances can be done in several ways. You can take the plane, train, drive yourself with the car or bike or you can take a sleeper bus (very luxurious). This one will be about the latter, the bus. Indonesia is as wide as Europe. We took a trip as … Read more

Languages in Bali

friendly people of Indonesia

With so many different languages around the world going on, we’re lucky that the tourist places in Bali do speak and understand English. Not only the English language, but some guides and travel agencies are able to communicate in different languages. For example French, Dutch, German, Italian, Japanese and many more. However, let’s try to … Read more

Things to do in Amed, guide for 2023 and after

Amed Sunset Point

Are you looking for a quiet and peaceful place in Bali? Do you like to snorkel, free or scuba dive, yoga? Then this Bali Amed guide is for you! It’s pretty far from most things as it is a 3-4 hour drive from Seminyak, Canggu, depending on traffic. The first thing I notice when arriving … Read more

Bali Safari Marine Park pandemic experience and review

Bali Safari Marine Park Review Experience

We visited the Bali Safari Marine Park for a family trip recently. This park was closed for several months because of the coronavirus pandemic. Steps were made to ensure the safety of both guests and staff. Despite the virus not showing any slowdown, we decided to go and take safety measures of our own. Read … Read more

Culture shocks in Bali Indonesia

great weather in Indonesia for tourists

It’s 2020, people haven’t been able to travel or go on vacation for a while now. It’s only a matter of when we can travel again, that’s when many first timers will visit Bali. It used to have hundreds of thousands of visitors each month, more than several millions a year. Every first-timer gasps in … Read more

11 Business & startup opportunities. Making money in Bali Indonesia 2023

Business ideas companies to start in Bali

The tourism returned and the business in Bali is Booming (a lot!) I am writing this in Septemner 2023 and this high season of tourism was surprisingly busy. With this comes more opportunities. People are looking for business opportunities. A way to earn an income and get by. Especially in Bali, a nice tropical paradise … Read more

Arak Bali (Indonesia) – All you need to know!

Arak Indonesia

Last updated: 09-08-2023 The tax law from Indonesia makes alcohol consumption pretty costly. Especially on a tourist island such as Bali where beers, cocktails and spirits are drank often. Because of the costs involved, locals in Bali (and Indonesia) reinvented Arak, a local distilled drink. The alcohol percentage varies in the drink between 30% – … Read more